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FRIENDS AND ROMANS | Local Screening


Release Date

  • October 23, 2015


  • Rated: Not Yet Rated

Release Date

  • October 23, 2015


  • Not Yet Rated


FRIENDS & ROMANS is a winning comedy about an ordinary guy who goes to extraordinary lengths to make his dreams come true. Michael Rispoli stars as Nick DeMaio, an aspiring actor who is perpetually typecast as "Gangster Number 3" in films about the Mob. In an attempt to be taken seriously, Nick and his buddies decide to stage a play, and not just any play, but Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," (which, after all, is just another tale about a "Don" and his "capos," except in iambic pentameter). Coming and going at odd hours for rehearsals, this motley crew attracts the attention of the Feds, who mistakenly assume these good guys are "goodfellas," and their play is a front for criminal activity. Typecast once again as a gangster--this time in real life--Nick has to prove his mettle, both onstage and off.



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FRIENDS & ROMANS is a winning comedy about an ordinary guy who goes to extraordinary lengths to make his dreams come true. Michael Rispoli stars as Nick DeMaio, an aspiring actor who is perpetually typecast as "Gangster Number 3" in films about the Mob. In an attempt to be taken seriously, Nick and his buddies decide to stage a play, and not just any play, but Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," (which, after all, is just another tale about a "Don" and his "capos," except in iambic pentameter). Coming and going at odd hours for rehearsals, this motley crew attracts the attention of the Feds, who mistakenly assume these good guys are "goodfellas," and their play is a front for criminal activity. Typecast once again as a gangster--this time in real life--Nick has to prove his mettle, both onstage and off.

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