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Panic 5 Bravo | Local Screening

Panic 5 Bravo

Release Date

  • December 05, 2014


  • Rated: R

Release Date

  • December 05, 2014


  • R


A team of American paramedics receives an emergency call over their ambulance radio - coded “ 5 bravo”- Mexico’s distress code signaling a shooting incident. Stationed close to the U.S-Mexican border, they break the rules and cross the border into Mexico to answer the call. What they don’t know is that their victim is wanted by the mafia and their trip across the border will turn a routine mission into a nightmare... One they might not survive.

Panic 5 Bravo


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A team of American paramedics receives an emergency call over their ambulance radio - coded “ 5 bravo”- Mexico’s distress code signaling a shooting incident. Stationed close to the U.S-Mexican border, they break the rules and cross the border into Mexico to answer the call. What they don’t know is that their victim is wanted by the mafia and their trip across the border will turn a routine mission into a nightmare... One they might not survive.

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