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Fill a Screening Or Event

Fill a Screening Or Event


Reach Millions of People Instantly

With access to millions of registered users and over 500MM audience/impressions reached, our platform provides a world class targeted audience who are socially engaged and seeking entertainment related content.

Gofobo is the BEST way to reach 13-50+ moviegoers and entertainment related users.

With our patented technology, we can provide you with avid fans to your event and targeted users that will provide you insight on your products and services.

Reach Millions of People Instantly

With access to millions of registered users and over 500MM audience/impressions reached, our platform provides a world class targeted audience who are socially engaged and seeking entertainment related content.

Gofobo is the BEST way to reach 13-50+ moviegoers and entertainment related users.

With our patented technology, we can provide you with avid fans to your event and targeted users that will provide you insight on your products and services.

types of events

Types of Screenings We Do

  • Research Screenings
  • Promotional Screenings
  • Word-of-Mouth Screenings
  • Trade Screenings
  • National Partner Screenings
  • Media Driven Screenings
  • International Screenings
  • Targeted Marketing Screenings (e.g. Hispanic Targeted Campaigns)

Trusted By Industry Leaders

partners partners partners partners partners partners partners partners

Find the Right Audience

Finding the right audience is important, and finding them quickly is even more important. With our platform, you’ll have the ability to reach users from anywhere in the country across all types of demographics.

Targeting Features

With our QTargeting technology, you can now pre-qualify users and get exactly who you want to go to your screenings and events.

  • Drive word-of-mouth to an effective target audience
  • Customize questions for your screening recruits
  • Drive media to recruit your exact audience
  • High quality people at your screenings and events

Targeting Features

With our QTargeting technology, you can now pre-qualify users and get exactly who you want to go to your screenings and events.

  • Drive word-of-mouth to an effective target audience
  • Customize questions for your screening recruits
  • Drive media to recruit your exact audience
  • High quality people at your screenings and events

Our social technology provides organic user social influencing and reporting from your campaigns. Manage what users and influencers say about your film or event on major social networks.

  • Manage social media content on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Drive truly social organic word of mouth
  • Virality and comprehensive reporting
  • Power social engagement software

Our social technology provides organic user social influencing and reporting from your campaigns. Manage what users and influencers say about your film or event on major social networks.

  • Manage social media content on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Drive truly social organic word of mouth
  • Virality and comprehensive reporting
  • Power social engagement software

The Ultimate National Partner

If you're looking for a strategic partner for a national campaign, gofobo is the perfect platform to provide you hyper targeted users instantly. With over 500,000+ campaigns (Screenings and Events) and 20,000+ media partners, we can provide you with the best possible reach to your target audience.


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