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The Imitation Game | Local Screening

The Imitation Game

Release Date

  • November 28, 2014


  • Rated: PG-13

Release Date

  • November 28, 2014


  • PG-13


During the winter of 1952, British authorities entered the home of mathematician, cryptanalyst and war hero Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) and ended up arresting Turing for the criminal offense of homosexuality - little did officials know, they were incriminating the pioneer of modern-day computing. Famously leading a group of scholars, linguists, chess champions and intelligence officers, he was credited with cracking the unbreakable codes of Germany's World War II Enigma machine. An intense and haunting portrayal of a brilliant, complicated man, THE IMITATION GAME follows a genius who under nail-biting pressure helped to shorten the war and, in turn, save thousands of lives.

The Imitation Game


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During the winter of 1952, British authorities entered the home of mathematician, cryptanalyst and war hero Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) and ended up arresting Turing for the criminal offense of homosexuality - little did officials know, they were incriminating the pioneer of modern-day computing. Famously leading a group of scholars, linguists, chess champions and intelligence officers, he was credited with cracking the unbreakable codes of Germany's World War II Enigma machine. An intense and haunting portrayal of a brilliant, complicated man, THE IMITATION GAME follows a genius who under nail-biting pressure helped to shorten the war and, in turn, save thousands of lives.

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