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Earth to Echo | Local Screening

Earth to Echo

Release Date

  • July 02, 2014


  • Rated: PG

Release Date

  • July 02, 2014


  • PG


In Relativity’s PG summer family adventure movie, Tuck, Munch and Alex are a trio of inseparable friends whose neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just before they must part ways, the boys begin receiving a strange series of signals on their phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they team up with another school friend, Emma, and set out to look for the source of their phone signals. What they discover is something beyond their wildest imaginations: a small alien who has become stranded on Earth. In need of their help, the four friends come together to protect the alien and help him find his way home.

Earth to Echo


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In Relativity’s PG summer family adventure movie, Tuck, Munch and Alex are a trio of inseparable friends whose neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just before they must part ways, the boys begin receiving a strange series of signals on their phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they team up with another school friend, Emma, and set out to look for the source of their phone signals. What they discover is something beyond their wildest imaginations: a small alien who has become stranded on Earth. In need of their help, the four friends come together to protect the alien and help him find his way home.

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