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UNEXPECTED | Local Screening


Release Date

  • July 24, 2015


  • Rated: R

Release Date

  • July 24, 2015


  • R


A sweet and funny, giving a female-centric take on pregnancy through two very different perspectives. Samantha Abbott (Cobie Smulders) is a science teacher at an inner city Chicago public school that's about to shut down. Facing professional uncertainty, Samantha's life gets even more complicated when she discovers she's pregnant, forcing her to skip a few relationship steps with a boyfriend so amiably bland he's just named John (Anders Holm). As Samantha ponders her options, she strikes up a friendship with a bright senior named Jasmine (Gail Bean), who also happens to be pregnant. "Unexpected" is about options, paralleling the different options a 30-year-old pregnant white woman with an uncertain future has when compared to the options available to a 17-year-old pregnant African-American girl with an uncertain future.



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A sweet and funny, giving a female-centric take on pregnancy through two very different perspectives. Samantha Abbott (Cobie Smulders) is a science teacher at an inner city Chicago public school that's about to shut down. Facing professional uncertainty, Samantha's life gets even more complicated when she discovers she's pregnant, forcing her to skip a few relationship steps with a boyfriend so amiably bland he's just named John (Anders Holm). As Samantha ponders her options, she strikes up a friendship with a bright senior named Jasmine (Gail Bean), who also happens to be pregnant. "Unexpected" is about options, paralleling the different options a 30-year-old pregnant white woman with an uncertain future has when compared to the options available to a 17-year-old pregnant African-American girl with an uncertain future.

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