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National Geographic Channel’s Highly Anticipated SAINTS & STRANGERS | Local Screening

National Geographic Channel’s Highly Anticipated SAINTS & STRANGERS

Release Date

  • November 22, 2015


  • Rated: TV-14

Release Date

  • November 22, 2015


  • TV-14


In November 1620, after 66 days at sea, the Mayflower arrived in New England’s Provincetown Harbor with 102 men, women and children aboard. The brutal journey across the ocean on a vessel never intended to carry passengers had left many sick, hungry and dying. And though the sight of land brought great relief, little did they know their journey had only just begun. National Geographic Channel’s two night movie event Saints & Strangers, premiering Nov 22-23 at 9/8c, goes deep inside the familiar historical account of Thanksgiving, revealing the trials and tribulations of the first settlers at Plymouth, and their complex relationship with the Native Americans. Starring Ray Stevenson, Vincent Kartheiser, Brían F. O’Byrne, Barry Sloane, Anna Camp, Raoul Trujillo, Michael Jibson, Kalani Queypo, Tatanka Means, with Natascha McElhone, and Ron Livingston, Saints & Strangers shines a light on the desperate and often reckless decisions that went into the founding of our country and the reverberations of those actions for centuries to come.

National Geographic Channel’s Highly Anticipated SAINTS & STRANGERS


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In November 1620, after 66 days at sea, the Mayflower arrived in New England’s Provincetown Harbor with 102 men, women and children aboard. The brutal journey across the ocean on a vessel never intended to carry passengers had left many sick, hungry and dying. And though the sight of land brought great relief, little did they know their journey had only just begun. National Geographic Channel’s two night movie event Saints & Strangers, premiering Nov 22-23 at 9/8c, goes deep inside the familiar historical account of Thanksgiving, revealing the trials and tribulations of the first settlers at Plymouth, and their complex relationship with the Native Americans. Starring Ray Stevenson, Vincent Kartheiser, Brían F. O’Byrne, Barry Sloane, Anna Camp, Raoul Trujillo, Michael Jibson, Kalani Queypo, Tatanka Means, with Natascha McElhone, and Ron Livingston, Saints & Strangers shines a light on the desperate and often reckless decisions that went into the founding of our country and the reverberations of those actions for centuries to come.

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