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LOVE 3D | Local Screening


Release Date

  • November 06, 2015


  • Rated: Not Yet Rated

Release Date

  • November 06, 2015


  • Not Yet Rated


Utilizing a fractured narrative, Love opens with an intimate scene of lovemaking between aspiring American filmmaker Murphy and Electra, before suddenly jumping two years later as Murphy wakes next to a different woman, Omi. Living with Omi and their son Gaspar, Electra seems a distant memory until a call from Electra's mother searching for her missing daughter Murphy’s imagination running wild with memories about Electra, their shared past filled with drug abuse, rough sex, and their absolute love for one another. Much like in his other work, Noe’s Love is a bold, cinematic triumph, highlighting the visceral experience of being alive and attached at all costs. Where Irreversible probes our fears and Enter the Void questions our existence, Love exposes our fantasies in an unapologetically bold fashion. PFS is proud to present, In all its graphic glory, the most talked about film in this year’s Cannes Film Festival, for its only 3D show in the city.



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Utilizing a fractured narrative, Love opens with an intimate scene of lovemaking between aspiring American filmmaker Murphy and Electra, before suddenly jumping two years later as Murphy wakes next to a different woman, Omi. Living with Omi and their son Gaspar, Electra seems a distant memory until a call from Electra's mother searching for her missing daughter Murphy’s imagination running wild with memories about Electra, their shared past filled with drug abuse, rough sex, and their absolute love for one another. Much like in his other work, Noe’s Love is a bold, cinematic triumph, highlighting the visceral experience of being alive and attached at all costs. Where Irreversible probes our fears and Enter the Void questions our existence, Love exposes our fantasies in an unapologetically bold fashion. PFS is proud to present, In all its graphic glory, the most talked about film in this year’s Cannes Film Festival, for its only 3D show in the city.

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