A brother and sister - a painter and a fighter, both artists in their own way - are forced to flee their home, arriving in Seattle inside a shipping container. The two struggle to make their way in a new world until one day, a wealthy art dealer/gallery owner takes an interest in the sister's painting, and the pair find themselves living a dream come true. The sister loses herself in her art and the brother seizes the opportunity to express himself as a fighter. But, it really is all just a dream. Conned by her patron into forging a Van Gogh, which is purchased by a ruthless criminal with a passion for fine art, they soon find themselves embroiled in Seattle's criminal underworld.
September 19, 2014
Rated: PG-13
Ken Zheng, Livi Zheng, Norman Newkirk, Nikita Breznikov, Michael Blend, Stephanie Hilbert
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